Hey, I'm Kevin, a hobby game developer from The Netherlands.
This page is where I upload any games (mostly demos) when I think they're good enough for that. I have this nasty habit of not finishing games, so there aren't many on here. Programming Puzzles is (in my opinion) the best one of the bunch and most complete (even though it lacks sound).
Programming Puzzles is a puzzle game where you program little robots to do the (sokoban-style) levels for you! This game is the biggest of these 9 games, although it lacks sound.
Grappling Hero is a platforming game where you use a grappling hook to get to the end of a level. But, watch out for your evil clones which follow your movements and kill you when you touch them! It was made for VimJam 5 which had a focus of 'Racing' and a theme of 'Escape'.
Robot Rumble is a puzzle game where you guide little robots to the finish while picking up batteries. It was made for the Indirect Control Jam, with the focus of 'Indirect Control' and the theme of 'Branches'.
Monorail Mayhem is a puzzle game where you lay down tracks for a train in order to get it to the end. You also need to pick up and deliver passengers to their respective stations. This game was made in a week for the UDC Jam 26 with a theme off On/Off and made 3rd place!
Checkpoint Courier is a reverse-platformer, made for VimJam 4. This jam has a focus and a theme, both of which are present in this game. The focus was 'Checkpoints' and the theme 'Crossing Paths'.
The goal of the game is to deliver Checkpoints to Heroes who are trying to finish a platforming level. You have to cross their path to do so. Due to limited time, there are only 6 levels and the Hero AI can be a bit buggy.
Tower Offense is a twist on the Tower Defense genre, made for the GMTK 2023 Jam. The jam's theme was 'Roles Reversed'.
The goal is to send units while the computer places turrets to fight them. As I only had one day to work on it (instead of the 2 days of the jam), the game is very unbalanced and buggy.
Melting Slimes is a Lemmings-style game where you need to lead your Slimes to the end of the level by transforming them in useful objects. This game was made for the VimJam, an one-week game jam hosted by Vimlark and 8 Bits to Infinity.
Dice 'n Dungeons is (supposed to be) a dice-based roguelike. This game was made for the GMTK Game Jam 2022, and as such is far from a finished state.
Quick Switch is a fast paced minigames game where you try to complete multiple minigames at the same time, switching between them. This game was made for my first game jam, The One Button Game Jam.